My work is a journey into landscape, an exploration of place.
Painting is so much a part of me it’s something I have to do. I paint from the heart and paint from life.
I am drawn to Australia’s remote landscapes and feel a genuine connection to the land. I have to go bush, somewhere, anywhere and sit and paint and commune with place.
Each winter I travel to a new location to explore what the landscape has to offer and what it will share with me.
I paint in-situ to capture the essence of a place. I work in all weather conditions, whether it is scorching 40-degree heat or pouring with rain. I immerse myself in the landscape and the abstract shapes, forms and spirits of the place reveal themselves to me.
I am very attracted to colour and water and love the contrast between the burnt sienna of the desert and the blue of the sky or water.
I find watercolour very exciting and the best medium to express myself
I only work with natural pigments, including ochre I might find in the desert.
Once I have made a study of what I will paint, my process becomes spontaneous and exhilarating. I throw paint on the paper, allowing the colours to blend and merge. If I want line work, I use twigs, sticks, whatever the landscape provides as my tools. It’s about colour, movement and texture.
For me it is the process of painting, not the end result of the work that is exciting.