Henriette 'Hetty' Doyle favours the use of watercolours as she explores the elegant still life settings around her home. In the time since mid March 2020 and Covid 19, Hetty has been painting these watercolours. After being given some tulips after the start of her confinement on her return from France, mid March, Hetty brought out her watercolour paints again that had been tucked away much of the time recently except for doing small sketches. Now from these sketches and many photos during her travels as well as still life studies in her kitchen or living room, Hetty has produced these recent watercolours for this exhibition.
Hetty originally trained and worked for seven years as a patternmaker/designer in Brisbane, having studied at the Brisbane College of Art, now QUT, and later at Canberra School of Art, now ANU.
In 1986/87 Hetty learnt many styles of painting in Noumea including silk painting and other methods for on cottons and textiles as well as oil painting from French painters from Academie Des Beaux Arts, France.