Former Central Queensland artist, Brenda Stevens was a foundation member of the Amaroo Art Group in Rockhampton and has been painting mainly in oils and acrylics for over 35 years.
Whilst a member of the Amaroo Art Group, who donated proceeds of their works to various charities, she held the position of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Brenda’s works have proven popular with the public and she has sold paintings to buyers from overseas and throughout Australia.
Brenda’s works have also been commissioned by the Building Societies for branches from Gladstone to Mackay. Further confirmation of the popularity of Brenda’s work can be found in the offices of the Mayors and Chairmen throughout Central Queensland. Her work can also be found displayed in China, Sri Lanka, UK, America and many other countries.
During the last 35 years, Brenda has delighted in donating paintings to the Red Cross Association, schools, Senior Citizens Associations, Special School Centres, Miss Australia entrant, Children With Leukemia and sporting groups and many other social events where her works have generated vital revenue for these worthy causes. Although she has attended classes and painting seminars with Nan Green, Frank DeSilva, Ben Wickham and the Royal Art Society, Brenda is mainly a self taught artist.
Brenda paints a variety of different subjects which range from bush scenes, seascapes, impressionistic still life, and at present the popular cafe scenes.